These kind were my favorite. So fast forward a few days and my daughter was scheduled to have her tonsils removed. Everything went smoothly and post-op orders were to stay home for a FULL WEEK to prevent her from getting an upper respiratory infection while she heals. Today is only day 4 and she is getting cabin fever poor girl! So I took a trip to Hobby Lobby to gather some supplies for her to get crafting while she is under "house arrest" lol. Here is what you'll need:
Clean, empty apple sauce cups (these are going to be the jellyfish bodies)
School glue
Hot glue gun and a glue stick
Glitter (any color try to do a medium or larger glitter)
scrap ribbon (i bought a small pack at Hobby Lobby for 3 bucks)
a sponge brush (not pictured)

Start decorating your Jellyfish body however you wish with the glue and sequins, here I added some glue around the bottom and stuck on the sequins all around.

Here are a couple different ways to decorate it. On mine, I used the school glue and the sponge brush to brush on the glue around the negative space on the Jellyfish and then I sprinkled glitter all over the glue.
Set aside to dry and when it is dry It's time for tentacles. Cut the ribbon scraps to varying lengths to hot glue around the inner rim of the cup and add one longer ribbon to the top inside just to fill in the middle part and make the tentacles look fuller.
Aaaaannnnddd, VOILA! you are done! OPTIONAL: you can hot glue a little loop of string to the top to enable it to be hung.
My daughter really enjoyed this and couldn't wait to hang her jellyfish in her room! This is a fun craft for school, decoration, or just a summer craft to bust boredom :). Enjoy!